

In EarthX, you are responsible for managing your own space company. Sign contracts, build new rockets, and launch payloads into space!

Make Your Rockets Bigger

Launching loads of payloads to space requires massive rockets and a high launch cadence. Investing in new technology will bring great rewards in the future.

Recover your rockets and reuse them to save money and time. If that’s not enough, you can also catch the fairings!

If you’re too lazy to do research, remember that you can always simply make your rockets bigger. Just like that.

Stay In Space

The crew of the International Space Station needs your help! Resupply them regularly with food, science experiments, and new equipment. Eventually, you might even start launching your own astronauts to the station!

Run LinkLink


Use your fleet of rockets to launch thousands of LinkLink satellites to space – giving millions of people access to the internet while earning you millions of dollars per day!

Beyond Earth

Sooner or later, spaceships will allow you to bring humans and cargo to other planets, from which you can start your own bases and colonies!

Produce dozens of nuclear bombs and throw them at the poles of Mars to heat it up. One day, the planet might start to look like Earth!






    • 操作系统: 32/64-bit, supporting newest drivers
    • 处理器: Intel i5
    • 内存: 4 GB RAM
    • 显卡: GT 430/440
    • DirectX 版本: 11
    • 存储空间: 需要 1500 MB 可用空间
    • 声卡: As long as you want to hear the sounds – Yes.
    • 附注事项: EarthX was made on Windows, it should work on Windows as well.

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