
进入这款 PC和VR 游戏,扬帆维京战船驶向胜利!从凯尔特摇滚到维京力量金属——用你的鼓槌击打出史诗乐章,在多人模式中启航,与对手展开海战。你是否能够战胜众人,将自己的名字刻上排行榜之巅?

准备好摇滚了吗?《Ragnarock》是一款单人/多人 PC和VR 节奏游戏,你将化身维京船长加入战船比赛。拿起你的两把鼓槌,随着史诗维京音乐节奏将飞来的符文击碎。不断完美击打符文击打来积累鼓槌的连击能量,随后即可激活加速!

  • 维京音乐
    用爱和关怀选择曲目列表。释放你的鼓手天赋,奏响史诗摇滚金属乐章。Alestorm、Gloryhammer、Saltatio Mortis、Wind Rose,还有更多乐队作品等你来演奏。游戏充满着浓厚的激昂维京/凯尔特/海盗风格,将唤醒你身体里流动的维京力量!
  • 简单的游戏玩法
  • 跨平台多人模式
    多人玩家对战模式可让玩家与好友或其他人进行实时对战。开启公开或私人游戏(至多 6 名玩家),将他们打得落花流水,勇夺第一!单人模式中可与幽灵船(代表您的高分或其他玩家)进行对战,感受刺激竞赛体验。
  • 充满神话色彩的游戏环境


• Ragnarock – Gloryhammer – “Gloryhammer”

• Ragnarock – Gloryhammer – “The Land of Unicorns”

• Ragnarock – Gloryhammer – “Rise of the Chaos Wizards”

• Ragnarock – Gloryhammer – “The Siege of Dunkeld (In Hoots We Trust)”

• Ragnarock – Gloryhammer – “Questlords of Inverness, Ride to the Galactic Fortress!”

• Ragnarock – Gloryhammer – “The Fires of Ancient Cosmic Destiny”

• Ragnarock – DragonForce – “Heart Demolition”

• Ragnarock – Gojira – “Born For One Thing”

• Ragnarock – Avatar – “Going Hunting”

• Ragnarock – Blind Guardian – “Battlefield”

• Ragnarock – The Rumjacks – “One For The Road”

• Ragnarock – Therion – “Great Marquis of Hell”

• Ragnarock – Disconnected – “Life Will Always Find Its Way”

• Ragnarock – Fejd – “H„rjaren”

• Ragnarock – The Offspring – “You re Gonna Go Far, Kid”

• Ragnarock – Nightwish – “Tribal”

• Ragnarock – Helloween – “Skyfall”

• Ragnarock – Beast In Black – “One Night in Tokyo”

• Ragnarock – Battle Beast – “Eye of the Storm”

• Ragnarock – Epica – “Abyss of Time – Countdown to Singularity”

• Ragnarock – Eluveitie – “Ambiramus”

• Ragnarock – Korpiklaani – “Vodka”

• Ragnarock – Equilibrium – “Revolution”

• Ragnarock – Symphony X – “Nevermore”

• Ragnarock – Korpiklaani – “A Man with a Plan”

• Ragnarock – Equilibrium – “Rise Again”

• Ragnarock – Sabaton – “Night Witches”

• Ragnarock – Sabaton – “Resist and Bite”

• Ragnarock – Sabaton – “Seven Pillars of Wisdom”

• Ragnarock – Sabaton – “Steel Commanders”

• Ragnarock – Sabaton – “Stormtroopers”

• Ragnarock – Sabaton – “To Hell and Back”

• Ragnarock – Jonathan Young, Galactikraken – “Storm the Castle”

• Ragnarock – Jonathan Young, Galactikraken – “Man the Cannons”

• Ragnarock – Jonathan Young – “Eye of the Storm”

• Ragnarock – Jonathan Young – “Santiana”

• Ragnarock – Jonathan Young – “Randy Dandy Oh”

• Ragnarock – Jonathan Young – “Loose Cannon”




    • 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
    • 操作系统: Windows 10 (64 bits)
    • 处理器: Intel Core i5-7300HQ equivalent
    • 内存: 16 GB RAM
    • 显卡: NVIDIA GTX 1060 equivalent
    • 存储空间: 需要 3 GB 可用空间
    • 支持 VR: VR supported with Meta Quest, Oculus Rift/S, Valve Index, HTC Vive/Pro/Focus 3/Cosmos, Pico Neo3/4, Windows MR/HP Reverb G2

    • 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
    • 操作系统: Windows 10 (64 bits)
    • 处理器: Intel Core i7-6700HQ equivalent or greater
    • 内存: 16 GB RAM
    • 显卡: NVIDIA GTX 1070 equivalent
    • 存储空间: 需要 3 GB 可用空间
    • 支持 VR: VR supported with Meta Quest, Oculus Rift/S, Valve Index, HTC Vive/Pro/Focus 3/Cosmos, Pico Neo3/4, Windows MR/HP Reverb G2

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